May 30, 2023
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Washington County Schools! It's everything Washington County Schools, in your pocket.
With the new app, you can access docum...

May 4, 2023
Each spring 4 th graders around the county gear up to test their knowledge on all things Virginia History. The 4H each year sponsors the annual History Bowl which is held each y...

May 4, 2023
On Tuesday, March 28 th students at Valley Institute Elementary were able to attend a school-wide talent show for the first time in many years. Students had to audition in front...

May 4, 2023
On Tuesday April 4 th students at Valley Institute Elementary School had the opportunity to meet local author Beth Davis as she shared her collection of books about “Super YouNee...

May 4, 2023
On Tuesday March 7 th Blackbird Bakery, located in downtown Bristol, Virginia, played host to the annual Valley Institute Art show. The art show was a time for students to showc...

May 4, 2023
Fourth graders Zoe M. recently did something few students could do. After being named Valley Institute Spelling Bee champion and Washington County runner-up, Zoe participated in ...

May 3, 2023
Washington County Schools Summer Gifted Camp for grades 1-8 will be held June 26-29 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Career and Technical Center located at 255 Stanley Stre...

April 26, 2023
A competition had Washington County Virginia 4th graders racking their brains to remember the past.
The Washington County Agricultural Extension Office hosted the "4-h History ...

March 23, 2023
Friday, March 17, 2023 – Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) issued the following statement announcing the beginning of the 2023 Congressional Art Competition in the Ninth Distri...