about 1 month ago, Erin Hockman
Good afternoon Valley Families, We hope you are staying nice and warm in this cold weather. Due to said weather tonight's PTO Meeting, STEM Presentation, and 4th Grade Dramatic Reading has been rescheduled for January 9th. Please join us for a a night of fun at 5:30 PM.
about 1 month ago, Erin Hockman
Due to deteriorating conditions in many parts of the county overnight, WCPS will be closed today, Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Because of these conditions, childcare will not be available. Stay safe and warm!
about 1 month ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS Schools Closed 1/7/2025
WCPS will operate on a 2-Hour Delay on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We have had multiple folks checking roads across the county this afternoon -- kudos to VDOT for getting roads in such good shape! As a result, our current plan is to operate on the two hour delayed schedule. We will reevaluate roads in the morning as temperatures are predicted to fall, with the potential for roads to ice over. Childcare will be provided at all elementary schools for working families who need it. Childcare will also be available in the event that we need to close in the morning (a decision will be made by 7:00 a.m.) There will be no virtual option tomorrow. Please be on the lookout for additional childcare information from your student's elementary school. Be safe and stay warm!
about 1 month ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS 2 Hour Delay 1/7/2025
If you would like to see all the fun we are having here in the Valley take a look at this week's edition of the Bulldog Beat! Have an amazing break, because we can't wait to hear all about in 2025! Click the Link to Feel the Beat: https://secure.smore.com/n/wcrj3
about 2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Bulldog Beat
If you would like to see all the fun we are having here in the Valley take a look at this week's edition of the Bulldog Beat! Click the Link to Feel the Beat: https://secure.smore.com/n/qvpa0
about 2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Bulldog Beat
Hello Valley Families, Tomorrow is Santa Supper Night! We look forward to seeing you all there!
about 2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Santa Supper
Teachers of the Year: It is an honor for Washington County Schools to announce and congratulate the following teachers selected by their respective schools as their 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year. These persons were chosen by their colleagues because they exemplify the best of being a teacher for Washington County Public Schools and the service they provide to the community, school and most importantly, students. Elementary Schools *Abingdon -- Gwen Campbell *Greendale -- Abby Rasnake *High Point -- Heather Hensley *Meadowview -- Kimberly Cox *Rhea Valley -- Beth Delp *Valley Institute -- Joy Hull *Watauga -- Sherry Thomason Middle Schools *Damascus -- Sallie Moss *Glade Spring -- Sherry Cannon *E.B. Stanley -- Maggie Branton *Wallace -- Kaitlyn Maples Secondary Schools *Abingdon High -- Chase Nunley *John S. Battle High -- Emily Tallman *Patrick Henry High -- Alyssa Fields *Holston High -- Buffy Milhorne *WC CTE Center -- William (Billy) Buchanan These teachers will be recognized as their building’s Teacher of the Year at the Washington County School Board meeting on January 21, 2025. As well, we are excited to announce and congratulate the grade level Teacher of the Year for 2024-2025. Each of the building’s Teacher of the Year could be chosen as all are models of what it means to be a teacher. *2025-2025 Elementary School Teacher of the Year -- Abby Rasnake *2024-2025 Middle School Teacher of the Year -- Kaitlyn Maples *2024-2025 High School Teacher of the Year -- Chase Nunley The 2024-2025 Washington County Teacher of the Year will be announced during the Washington County School Board Meeting on January 21, 2025, and will be our Division’s candidate for the Region VII Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to all as we celebrate these exemplary teachers of Washington County Schools.
about 2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year
WCPS will operate on a 2 hour delay on Thursday, December 12, 2024 due to black ice in some locations. Opening later will allow better visibility for drivers. Childcare will be provided at elementary schools for working parents if needed.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS 2 hour delay
Based on our conversations with our meteorologist at AccuWeather, we anticipate weather conditions to deteriorate during our normal dismissal time. As a result, Washington County Public Schools will dismiss 2-Hours early today, Wednesday, December 11, 2024. All extracurricular activities for Wednesday are postponed.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS Early Dismissal
Hello VIES Community, In preparation for Santa Supper we are asking for donations to our silent auction. All funds earned will go to the PTO. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate items please reach out to Valley Institute Elementary School at: (276)642-5500.
2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Santa Supper
Please join the VIES PTO on December 16th from 5:30-7:30 PM for Santa Supper. There will be games, crafts, a silent auction to support the VIES PTO, and so much more! Please send $10 to make your dinner reservation by Dec. 13th. We can't wait to see you all there!
2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Santa Supper
#TheWashingtonWay: We are so thankful for our amazing support staff that we have here at WCPS! At the meeting this evening, School Board Members recognized our Support Staff Award Winners for the fall semester. *Master Technician Award -- Jason Salyers (Technology Department) *Wheels on the Bus Award -- Ronica Blevins (Transportation Department) *Above and Beyond (Custodian) Award -- Becky Lane-Smith (Watauga Elementary School) *Helping Hand Award -- Lynn Redman (High Point Elementary School) *Silver Spoon Award -- Kristen Deel (E.B. Stanley Middle School) *Customer Service Award -- Abby Stamper (WCPS Annex) Congratulations to our award winners and thank you for your hard work!
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS Fall Semester Support Staff
Have you ever wanted to become a Valley Bulldog? We would love to have you join us here in the Valley. We are now hiring for a Special Education Aide position. Come and join our amazing team! Apply Here: https://washingtonco.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=2153#
2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Employment Oppurtunity!
If you would like to see all the fun we are having here in the Valley take a look at this week's edition of the Bulldog Beat! Click the Link to Catch the Beat: https://secure.smore.com/n/y6x98m
2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Bulldog Beat
From the WCPS Transportation Department: Due to an accident on Interstate 81 and traffic detouring onto Lee Highway, several WCPS buses in the Bristol area are delayed in traffic. This may impact Friday afternoon drop-off times.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS For Your Information
Washington County Public Schools is excited to announce that our elementary students are leading the way in reading achievement. Our VALLSS scores ranked at the top in CIP Consortium. The Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS) is the state-provided screening tool supporting Virginia’s Early Intervention Reading Initiative (EIRI). The goal of the EIRI is to reduce the number of children struggling with reading through early diagnosis and targeted intervention. By screening students in grades K-3, school divisions are able to determine each student’s level of risk – low, moderate, or high – for developing reading difficulties and receive state funding for providing reading intervention. VALLSS measures decoding (blending sounds together to read words), encoding (spelling words), and the comprehension and use of language. We sincerely value the dedication and hard work of our teachers whose commitment has been essential in helping students reach these milestones. To build on these efforts, Washington County Public Schools has adopted High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) approved by the Virginia Department of Education and provided additional professional development opportunities to strengthen and expand staff expertise in literacy.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
Elementary students leading the way in reading achievement with VALLSS scores
Hello Valley Families, Due to the delay VIES will be hosting childcare tomorrow morning. Please call (276)642-5500 or email the school secretary (rhockman@wcs.k12.va.us) to RSVP.
2 months ago, Erin Hockman
Due to predictions of windchills in the morning in the single digits, WCPS will operate on a 2 hour delayed schedule on Friday, December 6, 2024. Childcare will be available for working parents at elementary schools.
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
wcps 2 hour delay
In what has been a tricky morning, we have decided to call a Remote Learning Day for Tuesday December 3, 2024. Main roads are clear, as are some back roads and side streets. However, “road checkers”, encountered multiple slick secondary roads. At our December School Board Meeting, we will present a Snow Route plan that would potentially allow us to have in person learning on days like today. Be safe, stay warm, and we’ll see everyone online
2 months ago, WCPS Social Media
WCPS remote learning